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Course Overview

This is what awaits you in our Band Essentials Course

    1. FLEXVIT Introduction

    2. Your bands

    3. What to expect in this course

    4. Fitness training basics

    5. Basics of functional training

    6. What is Functional Training anyway?

    7. Functional Band Training Introduction

    8. What does Functional Band Training (FBT) mean?

    9. Test your basic knowledge

    1. Squat

    2. Squat - This is what you should know

    3. #1 Test - Squat

    4. Lunge

    5. Lunge - This is what you should know

    6. #2 Test - Lunge

    7. Hinge

    8. Hinge - This is what you should know

    9. #3 Test - Hinge

    10. Push

    11. Push - This is what you should know

    12. #4 Test - Push

    13. Pull

    14. Pull - This is what you should know

    15. #5 Test - Pull

    16. Rotation

    17. Rotation - This is what you should know

    18. #6 Test - Rotation

    19. Plank

    20. Plank - This is what you should know

    21. #7 Test - Plank

    1. Squat Lunge

    2. Squat Lunge with Mini

    3. Squat Lunge with PATband (fixed)

    4. Squat Hinge

    5. Squat Hinge with Mini

    6. Squat Hinge with Multi

    7. Squat Hinge with Revolve

    8. Squat Hinge with PATband

    9. Squat Push with PATband

    10. Squat Push with PATband (fixed)

    11. Squat Pull with PATband (fixed)

    12. Squat Pull with Mini and PATband (fixed)

    13. Squat Pull with Multi (fixed)

    14. Squat Rotation with PATband soft (fixed)

    15. Squat Rotation with PATband strong (fixed)

    16. Squat Rotation with Mini and Resist (fixed)

    17. Squat Plank

    18. Squat Plank with PATband

    19. Squat Plank with PATband (fixed)

    20. Squat Plank with Resist (fixed)

    21. Lunge Hinge

    22. Lunge Hinge with Mini

    23. Lunge Hinge with Resist (fixed in front)

    24. Lunge Hinge with Resist (fixed behind)

    25. Lunge Hinge with PATband (fixed in front)

    26. Lunge Push with Multi (fixed)

    27. Lunge Push with Revolve

    28. Lunge Pull with Resist (fixed)

    29. Lunge Pull with PATband (fixed)

    30. Lunge Rotation

    31. Lunge Rotation with Mini

    32. Lunge Rotation with PATband Strapping

    33. Lunge Rotation with Mini and PATband Strapping

    34. Lunge Plank

    35. Lunge Plank Variation

    36. Lunge Plank with Mini

    37. Lunge Plank with PATband

    38. Hinge Push with Multi (fixed)

    39. Hinge Pull with Multi (fixed)

    40. Hinge Pull with Resist (fixed)

    41. Hinge Rotation

    42. Hinge Rotation with Chain

    43. Hinge Rotation with PATband (fixed)

    44. Hinge Plank

    45. Hinge Plank with Resist

    46. Hinge Plank with PATband

    47. Push Pull with PATband

    48. Push Rotation with PATband

    49. Push Plank

    50. Push Plank with Mini (assisted)

    51. Push Plank on knees with Mini and PATrigger

    52. Push Plank with Revolve

    53. Push Plank with PATband

    54. Push Plank with PATband (assisted)

    55. Push Plank with PATband Variation (assisted)

    56. Push Plank on knees with PATrigger

    57. Pull Rotation with Resist (fixed)

    58. Pull Plank with Mini

    59. Pull Plank with Multi (fixed)

    60. Pull Plank with PATband

    61. Rotation Plank on knees with PATband (fixed)

About this course

  • €247,00
  • 91 lessons
  • 3 hours of video content